Baby Naming Ceremonies
What is a Baby Naming Ceremony?

A baby naming ceremony introduces your child to the larger community of family and friends within the context of sacred ceremony.
As the guests gather round, the parents hold their child and make a statement of intention to hold their child in the light of all lights; unconditional love. Other statements and intentions can be stated by the parents.
During baby naming ceremonies guardians are named and also state their intention to be loving guides to the child as he/she moves through the stages of childhood. These guides are similar to godparents.
Celebrate Your Child – The Newest Member of Your Family
The child is officially named, anointed and consecrated to the highest good as ancestors and spirit guides are invited to protect the child through its life.
Music can be included in the ceremony along with offerings of poetry, readings, and good wishes from family and friends.
Baby naming ceremonies are a beautiful way to bring family and friends together to state a group intention of health, well being, and all good things for your child. A community dinner can follow the ceremony. Gifts may be given to the child and parents.
Rev. Hannah Desmond enjoys providing this beautiful service throughout the year. Children who receive blessings and group intentions for well being, thrive within their family and community. Parents stating a conscious intention for unconditional love find they remain more conscious and renew this intention as they interact with their child through the years. This ceremony is usually performed during the babies first year.
Baby naming ceremonies start at $150.
Please contact Hannah or one of the HeartLight Ministers in your area for more information and to schedule your child’s naming ceremony. HeartLight wedding minsters can be reached at 828-242-8621, contact us today!