Outdoor Weddings
By HeartLight Wedding Officiants No comments
From Rev. Hannah Desmond The summer months are filled with weddings. I have been traveling around the western NC area quite a lot. My husband, Rev Tom Johanson also performs ceremonies so I am sometimes traveling alone as he will have a wedding to perform in the opposite direction. My book is finished and up for sale on this website. I finally have time to catch up with filing, advertising and other business related efforts. I like to keep a file of each wedding I perform with a copy of the marriage license, the ceremony, the check and a photo
How to Write Your Own Wedding Vows
By HeartLight Wedding Officiants 2 comments
An excerpt from THE WEDDING JOURNEY, by Rev. Hannah Desmond Tips for Writing Your Personal Wedding Vows Here are a few suggestions to help you get started. No one can tell you exactly how to write your vows. They must come from your heart. I have included suggestions for preparing yourself to create the vows and words and phrases to help you begin the process. Tip 1: Before you begin to write your vows, go within and allow your emotions to guide you. The feelings that arise, the statements that ring true within your heart are the essence of the vows